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Responsible editor
Reliability of the information
This website contains properties that are offered for rent or sale. The greatest care has been taken in the description of the property and the display of the asking price. Nevertheless, the technical description, as well as the asking price or the monthly rent, may contain factual errors or inaccuracies. The posted asking price or monthly rental price as well as the technical description of the property are therefore purely indicative and not contractually or contractually binding. The offering of a property for rent or sale cannot, therefore, be regarded as an offer or as a binding offer by us, the landlord, or the seller. Only a written agreement of the seller or the landlord with an offer made by you is binding.
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In certain sections, this website contains hyperlinks to content originating from third parties or to websites operated by third parties or social media platforms. We are not responsible for the quality and accuracy of the content of these websites. We can also not be regarded as an authority that approves, publishes, or legitimises the content of these websites or the websites in general. Consequently, the operators of those websites shall be solely responsible for compliance with the laws and regulations regarding the products and services they offer for sale on their website, in particular concerning to consumer protection, distance selling, legislation regarding prices, etc.
Availability of the site
Although we are committed to making this website available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, we reserve the right to interrupt access to the site for technical or other reasons at any time and without prior notice. We also reserve the right to terminate our services. We cannot be held responsible for these interruptions and the possible consequences for you or third parties.
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The contents of this website are subject to intellectual property rights as defined by the applicable legislation. More specifically, the content of this website is protected by copyright. It is therefore forbidden to copy or otherwise use text, images, photographic material, video material, and the like without the written consent of the publisher responsible, except for the legal restrictions (such as printing or saving property data to search for a suitable property), which shall be interpreted restrictively.
Information obligation (European AVG Directive 2016/679 effective from 25 May 2018)
You will find our general data protection policy under the link Privacy. You have the right to access your data, correct it and, in certain circumstances have it deleted. If you do not agree with the way we process your data, you can contact the Data Protection Authority (www. Privacycommission.be - Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels)
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In the event of any dispute arising from the use of this website, Belgian law shall apply and only Belgian courts shall be competent.